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2019_Klett und Magnete_kk_1020_Neodym Magnets_KK 1020_ENG_10 mm Durchmesser_1,0 mm thick_d


Created by applying a thin adhesive layer to each side of a carrier material, double-sided tape, also known as double-layer tape or double-sided tape, is widely used in a wide variety of industries for applications such as bonding, holding, mounting, splicing and packaging. Obviously, it is most often used for bonding two surfaces; usually in a way that is not visible in the final product. This is due to being installed "in between" rather than "overlapping" in use. This special application allows for a better look and better workmanship.

Double-sided tape can be either thin (such as paper-based) or thick (such as foam-based), coated with rubber, acrylic, or a modified version thereof, sometimes with different properties. Double-sided tapes with thick adhesive systems tend to adhere better to unusual, uneven or heavily patterned and textured surfaces. Thick bonding systems typically include a foam backing layer and can vary greatly in strength. As the name suggests, thin adhesive tapes are much thinner - sometimes so thin that they consist of nothing more than pure glue on a silicone coating. And yes, like everything else on the job or in a manufacturing facility, choosing the right double-sided tape for a specific application is paramount.

Samolepilni magnetni trakovi

Ti prilagodljivi trakovi imajo na eni strani magnetne lastnosti, na drugi pa močno lepilo za enostavno pritrditev. Debelina traku je 1,5 mm, na voljo pa so širine 12,7 mm, 20 mm in 25,4 mm v dolžini 30 m. Pol-anizotropna sestava (tip A) zagotavlja optimalno magnetno moč za različne aplikacije.


  • Prilagodljivost: Trakove je mogoče enostavno rezati na želene dolžine in oblike, kar omogoča prilagoditev specifičnim potrebam.

  • Enostavna uporaba: Samolepilna stran omogoča hitro namestitev brez potrebe po dodatnih orodjih.

  • Široka uporaba: Idealni za označevanje, pritrditev lahkih predmetov, izdelavo reklamnih materialov in organizacijo delovnih prostorov.


  • Industrija: Pritrditev komponent, organizacija orodij in materialov.

  • Obrt in DIY projekti: Izdelava magnetnih zapiral, držal in dekorativnih elementov.

  • Pisarne in izobraževanje: Označevanje, pritrjevanje obvestil in organizacija prostora.

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